Sunday, July 6, 2008

A post on Obama's site

The title was "Religious Right"

I'm just writing this post to explain the futility of trying to cater to them, and the possible (or PROBABLE) backlash of doing so.
I was a McCain fan in 2000, and was happy to hear he was running in 2008. (That didn't mean he was going to get my vote, and I'm a BIG Al Gore fan so I wouldn't have vote for him in 2000 either--I just wanted to say I think he's a GREAT candidate..) Then he tried to cater to the religious right, and I promptly e-mailed his site to give my 2 cents on why he shouldn't have done that...
These folk don't seem to know much about democracy..They seem to be opposed to everything GOOD that America stands for. But one thing they DO understand is THEIR issues and they know the candidates who have supported those issues in the past.. NEITHER candidate (I am happy to say) fits their bill. If you don't have these guys in your pocket now, you NEVER will. These are Huckabee people. Theyre NOT Romney people, because even though he was saying the same things as them, he was Mormon..That wasn't good enough for them...They needed someone LIKE them to represent them...They want, in no uncertain terms, to cram their views down the throats of Americans, whether they agree with these views or not!!
I am VERY upset that MY candidate seems to now be trying to cater to these folks. I'll tell Obama the same thing I told the last Bozo who tried this (McCain) the same thing. You WILL NOT get this vote, but youre doing a damn good job of alienating the voters you already DO have!!! Obama would like to have the vote of these...individuals--as would McCain. At the same time though--MANY people have been harmed by these folk in the past. WE view ANY attempt at trying to get the votes of these borderline TERRORISTS (from our viewpoint) to be a betrayal..That's what got McCain ex'd off my list. And it's what's brought Obama (the man I formerly called "Barack"..u know--1st name basis--a friend..) to the brink of me not voting for him either.
I grew up in Midland, Tx (Bush's hometown). I was a Wiccan, which I'm sure most of your are unfamiliar with, but lets be blunt..We cast spells (our way of praying) and our Rede (our one and only "commandment" says "Harm None") For this I received death threats and suggestions that I "leave town". (And that's just a fraction of the threats I received from those who are now claiming to be "social conservatives"--sounds like a bunch of un-American terrorists to me!!) Now I understand that Obama was raised by his grandma mostly and has spent a great deal of time in Hawaii and Illinois. He aint spent much time down here to see the HATRED directed at those of us who didnt belong!!
Forgive me Obama, but unity should NOT be with these scumbags!! I'm a white working class male (who did NOT support Hillary and who was grateful to have such a stellar candidate as Obama to vote for!!). I don't mind uniting with working class women and working class blacks. I feel we have so much in common that any suggestion we're not having an equal cause is an idiotic statement. These folk I'll fight side by side with any day or anywhere. Also I can feel the middle class. I wanna help them too. W/o the middle class, then where is the stepping stone for the an exceptional hard working worker to move up? But I draw the line at having empathy with people who have threatened to kill me in the past!! While I understand that not ALL of them have threatened this, I DO know that these folk don't seem to like democracy very much...They seem a LOT like Saudi Arabians, except they CLAIM to be Christian...I see little difference in the intimidation tactics used by them and the Saudis...
Anyways I implore Obama to lay the hell off these damn topics or risk losing supporters he already has in his pocket....(Namely me...) You keep going down this road, you can expect a LOT more problems. There can be no unity with these people. It's their way or the highway...

We need to do somethings differently. There are a few people on Obama's site who want more positive words. I agree that we need this. But I'm afraid I can't comply till Obama starts being a bit more positive himself...